Backing Up and Restoring the ConfigurationThischapter includes the followingsections:
•Backupand Export Configuration, page 619
•BackupTypes, page 619
•Considerationsand Recommendationsfor Backup Operations, page 620
•ImportConfiguration, page 621
•ImportMethods, page 621
•SystemRestore, page 621
•RequiredUser Role for Backup and Import Operations, page 621
•BackupOperations, page 622
•ImportOperations, page 626
•Restoringthe Configuration for a Fabric Interconnect, page 631
Backup and Export Configuration
Whenyou perform a backup through Cisco UCS Manager, you take a snapshot of all or part of the system
configurationand export the file to a location on your network. You cannot use Cisco UCS Manager to back
updata on the servers.
Youcan perform a backup while the system is up and running. The backup operation only saves information
fromthe management plane. It does not have any impact on the server or network traffic.
Backup Types
Youcan perform one or more of the following types of backups through Cisco UCS Manager:
•Fullstate—A binary file that includes a snapshotof the entiresystem. You can use the file generated
fromthis backupto restorethe system during disasterrecovery. This file can restore or rebuild the
configurationon the originalfabric interconnect,or recreate the configuration on a differentfabric
interconnect.You cannot use this file for an import.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 619