Configuring Organizations
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
Organizationsin a Multi-Tenancy Environment, page 155
HierarchicalName Resolution in a Multi-TenancyEnvironment, page 156
Creatingan Organization under the Root Organization, page 157
Creatingan Organization under a Sub-Organization, page 158
Deletingan Organization, page 158

Organizations in a Multi-Tenancy Environment

Multi-tenancyallows you to divide up the large physical infrastructure of an Cisco UCS domain into logical
entitiesknown as organizations. As a result, you can achieve a logical isolation between organizations without
providinga dedicatedphysical infrastructure for eachorganization.
Youcan assign unique resources to each tenant through the related organization, in the multi-tenant
environment.These resources can includedifferent policies, pools, and quality of service definitions. You
canalso implement locales to assign or restrict user privileges and roles by organization, if you do not want
allusers to haveaccess to allorganizations.
Ifyou set up a multi-tenant environment, all organizations are hierarchical. The top-level organization is
alwaysroot. The policies and pools that you create in root are system-wide and are available to all organizations
inthe system. However, any policies and pools created in other organizations are only available to organizations
thatare above it in the same hierarchy. For example, if a system has organizations named Finance and HR
thatare not in the same hierarchy, Finance cannot use any policies in the HR organization, and HR cannot
accessany policies in the Finance organization. However, both Finance and HR can use policies and pools
inthe root organization.
Ifyou create organizations in a multi-tenant environment, you can also set up one or more of the following
foreach organizationor for a sub-organization in the same hierarchy:
• Resource pools
• Policies
• Service profiles
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 155