Configuring VLANs
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
NamedVLANs, page 277
PrivateVLANs, page 278
VLANPort Limitations, page 279
ConfiguringNamed VLANs, page 280
ConfiguringPrivate VLANs, page 285
Viewingthe VLAN Port Count, page 291

Named VLANs

Anamed VLAN creates a connection to a specific external LAN. The VLAN isolates traffic to that external
LAN,including broadcast traffic.
Thename that you assignto a VLAN ID adds a layer of abstraction that allows you to globally update all
serversassociated with service profiles that use the named VLAN. You do not need to reconfigure the servers
individuallyto maintaincommunication with the externalLAN.
Youcan create more than one named VLAN with the same VLAN ID. For example, if servers that host
businessservices for HR and Finance need to access the same external LAN, you can create VLANs named
HRand Financewith the sameVLAN ID. Then, if the network is reconfigured and Finance is assigned to a
differentLAN, you only have to change the VLAN ID for the named VLAN for Finance.
Ina cluster configuration, you can configure a named VLAN to be accessible only to one fabric interconnect
orto both fabric interconnects.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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