Configuring Network-Related Policies
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
ConfiguringvNIC Templates, page 307
ConfiguringEthernet Adapter Policies, page 312
ConfiguringNetwork Control Policies, page 317

Configuring vNIC Templates

vNIC Template

Thispolicy defines how a vNIC on a server connects to the LAN. This policy is also referred to as a vNIC
LANconnectivity policy.
Beginningin Cisco UCS, Release 2.0(2), Cisco UCS Manager does not automatically create a VM-FEX port
profilewith the correctsettings when you create a vNIC template. If you want to create a VM-FEX port
profile,you must configure the target of the vNIC template as a VM.
Youneed to include this policy in a service profile for it to take effect.
Ifyour server has two Emulex or QLogic NICs (Cisco UCS CNA M71KR-E or Cisco UCS CNA
M71KR-Q),you must configure vNIC policies for both adapters in your service profile to get a user-defined
MACaddress for both NICs. If you do not configure policiesfor both NICs, Windows still detects both
ofthem in the PCI bus. Then because the second eth is not part of your serviceprofile, Windows assigns
ita hardware MAC address. If you then move the serviceprofile to a differentserver, Windows sees
additionalNICs because one NIC did not have a user-defined MAC address.

Creating a vNIC Template

Before You Begin
Thispolicy requires that one or more of the following resources already exist in the system:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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