Managing Power in Cisco UCS
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
PowerManagement in CiscoUCS , page 563
RackServer Power Management, page 563
PowerManagement Precautions, page 563
Configuringthe Power Policy, page 564
Configuringthe Global Cap Policy, page 564
ConfiguringPolicy-Driven Chassis Group Power Capping, page 565
ConfiguringManual Blade-LevelPower Capping, page 570

Power Management in Cisco UCS

Youcan manage power through Cisco UCS Manager by configuring any of the following features:
• Power supply redundancy for all chassis in a Cisco UCS domain
• Policy-driven chassis-level power capping
• Manual blade-level power capping

Rack Server Power Management

Powercapping is not supported for rack servers.

Power Management Precautions

Ifthe CIMC is reset,the power monitoring functions of Cisco UCS become briefly unavailable for as long
asit takes for the CIMC to reboot. While this usually only takes 20 seconds, there is a possibility that the peak
powercap could be exceeded during that time. To avoid exceeding the configured power cap in a very low
power-cappedenvironment, consider staggering the rebooting or activation of CIMCs.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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