Managing Rack-Mount ServersThischapter includes the followingsections:
•Rack-MountServer Management, page 599
•Guidelinesfor Removingand DecommissioningRack-Mount Servers, page 600
•BootingRack-Mount Servers, page 600
•ShuttingDown Rack-MountServers, page 602
•Resettinga Rack-Mount Server, page 603
•AvoidingUnexpected Server Power Changes, page 604
•Reacknowledginga Rack-Mount Server, page 605
•Decommissioninga Rack-Mount Server, page 605
•Recommissioninga Rack-Mount Server, page 606
•Renumberinga Rack-Mount Server, page 606
•Removinga Non-ExistentRack-Mount Server from theConfiguration Database, page 607
•Turningthe Locator LED for a Rack-Mount Server On and Off, page 607
•Resettingthe CMOS for a Rack-Mount Server, page 608
•Resettingthe CIMC fora Rack-MountServer, page 608
•Recoveringthe Corrupt BIOSon a Rack-Mount Server, page 609
•Viewingthe POST Results for a Rack-Mount Server, page 610
•Issuingan NMI from a Rack-Mount Server, page 610
Rack-Mount Server Management
Youcan manage and monitor all rack-mount servers that have been integrated with a Cisco UCS domain
throughCisco UCS Manager. All management and monitoring features are supported forrack-mount servers
exceptpower capping. Some rack-mount server management tasks, such as changes to the power state, can
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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