Configuring Call Home
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
CallHome, page 675
CallHome Considerationsand Guidelines, page 677
CiscoUCS Faults andCall Home SeverityLevels, page 678
CiscoSmart Call Home, page 679
ConfiguringCall Home, page 680
DisablingCall Home, page 683
EnablingCall Home, page 683
ConfiguringSystem Inventory Messages, page 684
ConfiguringCall Home Profiles, page 685
ConfiguringCall Home Policies, page 688
Example:Configuring Call Home for SmartCall Home, page 690

Call Home

CallHome provides an email-based notification for critical system policies. A range of message formats are
availablefor compatibilitywith pager servicesor XML-basedautomated parsing applications.You can use
thisfeature to page a network support engineer, email a Network Operations Center, or use Cisco Smart Call
Homeservices to generatea casewith theTechnical Assistance Center.
TheCall Home feature can deliver alert messages containing information about diagnostics and environmental
faultsand events.
TheCall Home feature can deliver alerts to multiple recipients, referred to as Call Home destination profiles.
Eachprofile includesconfigurable message formats and contentcategories. A predefineddestination profile
isprovided for sending alertsto theCisco TAC, but you also can define your own destination profiles.
Whenyou configureCall Hometo sendmessages, Cisco UCSManager executesthe appropriate CLI show
commandand attaches the command output tothe message.
CiscoUCS delivers CallHome messages in thefollowing formats:
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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