Overview of Cisco UCS ManagerThischapter includes the followingsections:
•AboutCisco UCS Manager, page 43
•TasksYou Can Perform in Cisco UCS Manager , page 44
•TasksYou Cannot Perform in Cisco UCS Manager , page 46
•CiscoUCS Managerin aHigh AvailabilityEnvironment, page 46
About Cisco UCS Manager
CiscoUCS Manager is the management system for all components in a UCS Manager. Cisco UCS Manager
runswithin the fabric interconnect. You can use any of the interfaces available with this management service
toaccess, configure, administer, and monitor the network and server resources for all chassis connected to
thefabric interconnect.
Multiple Management Interfaces
CiscoUCS Manager includes the following interfaces you can use to manage a Cisco UCS domain:
• Cisco UCS Manager GUI
• Cisco UCS Manager CLI
Almostall tasks can be performed in any of the interfaces, and the results of tasks performed in one interface
areautomatically displayed inanother.
However,you cannot do the following:
• Use Cisco UCS Manager GUI to invoke Cisco UCS Manager CLI.
• Viewthe results of a command invoked through Cisco UCS Manager CLI in Cisco UCS Manager GUI.
• Generate CLI output from Cisco UCS Manager GUI.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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