Configuring LAN Pin Groups
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
LANPin Groups, page 293
Creatinga LAN Pin Group, page 293
Deletinga LAN Pin Group, page 294

LAN Pin Groups

CiscoUCS uses LAN pin groups to pin Ethernet traffic from a vNIC on a server to an uplink Ethernet port
orport channel on the fabric interconnect. You can use this pinning to manage the distribution of traffic from
Toconfigure pinning for a server, you must include the LAN pin group in a vNIC policy. The vNIC policy
isthen included in the service profile assigned to that server. All traffic from the vNIC travels through the
I/Omodule tothe specifieduplink Ethernet port.
Ifyou do not assign a pin group to a server interface through a vNIC policy, Cisco UCS Manager chooses
anuplink Ethernetport or port channel for trafficfrom that server interface dynamically. This choice is
notpermanent. A different uplink Ethernet port or port channel may be used for traffic from that server
interfaceafter an interfaceflap or a server reboot.

Creating a LAN Pin Group

Ina systemwith two fabric interconnects,you can associatethe pin group withonly one fabric interconnect
orwith both fabric interconnects.
Before You Begin
Configurethe ports and port channels with which you want to configure the pin group. You can only include
portsand port channels configured as uplink ports in a LAN pin group.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
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