Setting the Management IP Address
Thischapter includes the followingsections:
ManagementIP Address, page 373
Configuringthe ManagementIP Address on a Blade Server, page 374
Configuringthe ManagementIP Address on a Rack Server, page 375
Settingthe ManagementIP Address on a Service Profile, page 376
Settingthe ManagementIP Address on a Service Profile Template, page 377
Configuringthe ManagementIP Pool, page 377

Management IP Address

Eachserver in a Cisco UCS domain must have a management IP address assigned to its Cisco Integrated
ManagementController (CIMC) or to the service profile associated with the server. Cisco UCS Manager uses
thisIP addressfor externalaccess that terminatesin the CIMC. Thisexternal access can be through one of
• KVM console
• Serial over LAN
• An IPMI tool
Themanagement IP address used to access the CIMC on a server can be one of the following:
• A static IPv4 address assigned directly to the server.
• A static IPv4 address assigned to a service profile. Youcannot configure a service profile template with
astatic IP address.
• An IP address drawn from the management IP address pool and assigned to a service profile or service
Youcan assign a management IP address to each CIMC on the server and to the service profile associated
withthe server. If you do so, you must use different IP addresses for each of them.
Cisco UCS Manager GUI Configuration Guide, Release 2.0
OL-25712-04 373