AP Commands 341

Access Enabled.

History Introduced in WSS Software Version 4.1.

Usage Use this command to specify a custom page that is loaded by the client when it passes the checks performed by the SODA agent. After this page is loaded, the client is placed in its assigned VLAN and granted access to the network.

The page is assumed to reside in the root directory on the WSS. You can optionally specify a different directory where the page resides.

This functionality occurs only when the enforce checks option is enabled for the service profile. The enforce checks option is enabled by default.

Examples The following command specifies success.html, which resides in the root directory on the WSS, as the page to load when a client passes the SODA agent checks:

WSS# set service-profile sp1 soda success-page success.html

success: change accepted.

The following command specifies success.html, which resides in the soda-filesdirectory on the WSS, as the page to load when a client passes the SODA agent checks:

WSS# set service-profile sp1 soda success-page soda-files/success.html

success: change accepted.

See Also

set service-profile soda enforce-checks on page 326

set service-profile soda mode on page 329

show service-profile on page 380

set service-profile ssid-name

Configures the SSID name in a service profile.

Syntax set service-profile name ssid-name ssid-name


Service profile name.


Name of up to 32 alphanumeric characters.


You can include blank spaces in the name, if you delimit the name with


single or double quotation marks. You must use the same type of


quotation mark (either single or double) on both ends of the string.

Defaults The default SSID type is crypto (encrypted) and the default name is trapeze.

Access Enabled.


Version 4.0

Support added for blank spaces in the SSID name.

Nortel WLAN—Security Switch 2300 Series Command Line Reference

Page 341
Image 341
Nortel Networks 2300 Series Set service-profile ssid-name, WSS# set service-profile sp1 soda success-page success.html