5.4 Precautions

5.4.1GT15-C [ ] EXSS-1, GT15-C [ ] BS

(1)Composition of GT15-CEXSS-1

It is composed of GT15-EXCNB (0.5m) and GT15-

CBS (10 to 30m).

Calculate the cable length based on GT15-C100EXSS- 1(10m), GT15-C200EXSS-1(20m) and GT15- C300EXSS-1(30m).

(2)GT15-CEXSS-1 connector Connect the connectors as follows: GT15-EXCNB PLC CPU side GT15-CBS GOT side

PLC side




GOT side

































(a)When using GT15-CEXSS-1







2SQ cables to


FG terminals,


28cm or less

Not connected







2SQ cables to FG terminals,

(b)When using GT15-CBS

Follow the GOT side grounding steps in (a) above for both GOTs.

5.4.2Turning the GOT ON

(1)System configuration

The PLC CPU remains in the reset status until the GOT is started.

Therefore, no sequence program will run until then. The system configuration, in which the GOT is turned on from a sequence program, is not available.

(2)Time taken until the PLC runs after power-on of the


The following time is taken from when the GOT is powered on until when the PLC runs.

• QCPU (Q mode), motion controller CPU (Q series): 10 seconds or more

• MELDAS C70: 18 seconds or more

When the GOT starts before the PLC runs, a system alarm occurs.Adjust the opening screen time in the GOT setup so that no system alarm occurs.

GT Designer3 Version Screen Design


(3)Power-up sequence for connection of 3 GOTs or more (when connecting QCPU (Q mode))

5.4.10 (1)Restrictions in overall cable length to No. of GOTs

(4)Power-up sequence for connection of the Q4ARCPU redundant system

5.4.14 (2)Power-On sequence for GOT and Q4ARCPU redundant system

(5) Power-up sequence for cases other than (3) and (4)

The GOT and PLC can both be started up whichever of

these devices is turned ON first. (There is no specific

sequence in which they are powered ON)

28cm or less


Note, however, that operation is as follows when the

GOT is turned ON followed by the PLC:

When the PLC power is OFF with the GOT turned ON,

1. Connect the LG and FG terminals of the terminal block on the GOT unit power and ground them with a cable.

2. Use the GT15-C BS's FG cable of 28cm or less.

3. Do not connect the GT15-EXCNB's FG ground cable.

4. Connect the GT15-C BS's FG cable on the GOT side to FG of the GOT unit power's terminal block.

5. Connect the GT15-C BS's FG cable on the PLC side to FG of the PLC's power supply module.

6. Connect the LG and FG terminals of the terminal block on the PLC and ground them with a cable.

the system alarm (No.402: timeout error) is generated.

Upon power-on of the PLC CPU, the GOT

automatically starts monitoring.

Use System Information to reset the alarm.

For the System Information, refer to the following


GT Designer3 Version Screen Design


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5.4 Precautions