
Install communication units on the extension interfaces.

Use communication units installed on the extension interfaces with the RS-232 interface built in the GOT.

3rd stage

2nd stage

1st stage

(Example: In the case of the GT1575)

Extension interface 1

Extension interface 2

Extension interface allows the installation of a communication unit up to the 3rd stage, respectively.

(For the GT155, only one extension interface can be installed.)

A communication unit installed at the 4th or higher stage cannot be used.

Standard interface 1

(RS-232 interface built in the GOT)

Allows a controller to be connected via the serial communication. For RS-232 communications, connect RS-232 cable.

For RS-422 communications, attach an RS-422 conversion unit and connect RS-422 cable to it.

(For the GT155, the RS-422 conversion unit is not applicable.)

Standard interface 2

(USB interface built in the GOT)

Not used for the multi-channel function.

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21.3 GOT Side Settings