Activate Alarm Cut Off.
Create interfaces, attributes and users. Displays the active alarms.
Clears specified information. Create 2-way connections
between DS0s or fractional groups of DS0s. Delete items created by add commands.
Remove connection created by connect command. Log out of the CLI.
Download software. Displays the Event Log.
Send ping request to a remote IP device via the ethernet port.
Print to the screen

CLI Language Reference

Online Help

Online Help

￿ Help System Overview ... 18-10

￿ Displaying Basic Commands ... 18-10

￿ Context Sensitive Help ... 18-11

￿ Printing the Help File ... 18-13

Help System Overview

Online help for CLI commands is available any time you are logged into the Access Navigator. You can display basic commands and obtain context sensitive help with additional detail. You can also print the entire help file to the terminal screen for reference.

Online help describes only those commands available to your access level. The help is updated with each release of the Access Navigator operating system software. If you experience any difficulty with a CLI command, use the online help to display the latest command descriptions and examples.

NOTE: Online help may describe commands that will be rejected because they depend on other conditional command settings. Commands may also be rejected because they require software options not supported by the installed software, in which case the CLI will return the message “That command not supported in this product”.

Displaying Basic Commands

To display a list of basic CLI commands, just type the symbol ? You can also type the word help and press the Enter or Return key on the terminal. The Access Navigator will respond with a message similar to the following, which shows only the first few commands.

Command Line Interface Help. For immediate context help type ? at any time.

For command sensitive help, type "help" before any partial command.

Note: Anything listed in brackets <> are variables set by the user.


aco ......................

add ......................

alarms ...................

clear ....................

connect ..................

delete ...................

disconnect ...............

exit .....................

load .....................

log ......................

ping .....................

print ....................


August 2003

Access Navigator - Release 1.8

Page 466
Image 466
Carrier Access Access Navigator user manual Online Help, Help System Overview, Displaying Basic Commands