Provision Remote Adit 600 via IP DS0

Provision Drop DS0s to Remote Adit

NOTE: In the above message, the channel type can be GR303 (voice or ISDN BRI), or private crossconnects using VOICE or DATA. P-Phone settings only appear in the Access Navigator / GR-303 Host with P-Phone. This procedure only provides steps for provisioning GR-303 service. See also Provision DCS Service on page 9-1.

2.If drop DS0 settings are correct, skip remaining steps.

3.Set DS0 type. (ISDN BRI and P-Phone use gr303.)

set ds0 <n:ch> type <voicedatagr303>


set ds0

10:1-18 type gr303


set ds0

10:19-24 type data

4.Set DS0 signaling (for voice only) to Loop Start (ls), Ground Start (gs), or E&M (em) signaling with the following command:

set ds0 <n:ch> signal <lsgsem>


set ds0 10:1-18 signal ls

5.Set DS0 call reference value (needed for GR-303 ISDN BRI and P-Phone) set ds0 <n:ch> crv <setting>


set ds0 10:1 crv 120

6. Set DS0 in service

set ds0 <n:ch> up


set ds0 10:1-24 up


August 2003

Access Navigator - Release 1.8

Page 316
Image 316
Carrier Access Access Navigator user manual 13-20