clear authentication web 207

Examples — The following command removes the proxy rule for SSID mycorp and userglob **:

WX-1200#clear authentication proxy ssid mycorp **

See Also

„set authentication proxy on page 238

„on page 260

clear authentication Removes a WebAAA rule. web

Syntax clear authentication web {ssid ssid-namewired} user-glob

„ssid ssid-name— SSID name to which this authentication rule applies.

„wired — Clears a rule used for access over an WX switch’s wired-authentication port.

„user-globUser-glob associated with the rule you are removing.

Specify a username, use the double-asterisk wildcard character (**) to specify all usernames, or use the single-asterisk wildcard character (*) to specify a set of usernames up to or following the first delimiter character—either an at sign (@) or a period (.). (For details, see “User Globs” on page 26.)

Defaults — None.

Access — Enabled.

History —Introduced in MSS Version 3.0.

Examples — The following command removes WebAAA for SSID research and userglob temp*

WX4400# clear authentication web ssid research temp*

See Also

„clear authentication admin on page 202

„clear authentication console on page 203

Page 207
Image 207
HP Manager Software manual See Also „ set authentication proxy on, „ on Clear authentication Removes a WebAAA rule. web