Sorting order (amplitude, frequency, time) Optional in some measurements: Display line use (all, > display line, < display line)
Remote Command: :CALCulate:DATA[1]|2|3|4|5|6:PEAKs?
Example: CALC:DATA4:PEAK? –40,10,FREQ,GTDL This will identify the peaks of
trace 4 that are above –40 dBm, with excursions of at least 10 dB. The peaks
are returned in order of increasing frequency, starting with the lowest
frequency. Only the peaks that are above the display line are returned.
Query Results 1:
With FORMat:DATA REAL,32 selected, it returns a list of floating-point
numbers. The first value in the list is the number of peak points that are in the
following list. A peak point consists of two values: a peak amplitude followed
by its corresponding frequency (or time).
If no peaks are found the peak list will consist of only the number of peaks,