A new sweep is initiated if an amplitude correction is switched on or off. Note that changing, sending or
loading corrections data does NOT directly initiate a sweep, however in general these operations will
turn corrections on, which DOES initiate a sweep.
Accesses a menu that lets you set the properties of the selected correction.
Select Correction
Specifies the selected correction. The term "selected correction" is used throughout this document to
specify which correction will be affected by the functions.
Key Path: Input/Output, Corrections
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:CORRection:CSET[1]|2|3|4|5|6[:STATe]
Dependencies: Turning this on automatically turns on "Apply Corrections"
Only the first correction array (Correction 1) supports antenna units. When
this array is turned on, and it contains an Antenna Unit other than “None”, the
Y Axis Unit of the test set is forced to that Antenna Unit. All other Y Axis
Unit choices are grayed out.
Note that this means that a correction file with an Antenna Unit can only be
loaded into the Corrections 1 register. Consequently only for Correction 1
does the dropdown in the Recall dialog include.ant, and if an attempt is made
to load a correction file into any other Correction register which DOES
contain an antenna unit, a Mass Storage error is generated.
This command will generate an “Option not available” error unless you have
the proper option installed in your instrument.
Preset: Not affected by a Preset. Set to OFF by Restore Input/Output Defaults
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Backwards Compatibility Notes: Unlike legacy analyzers, Preset does not turn Corrections off (Restore
Input/Output Defaults does).
Initial S/W Revision: A.02.00
Key Path: Input/Output, Corrections
Initial S/W Revision: A.02.00
Key Path: Input/Output, Corrections, Properties
Notes: The selected correction is remembered even when not in the correction menu.
Preset: Set to Correction 1 by Restore Input/Output Defaults.