Meas Setup
Y Offset
Offsets all segments in the limit line by some specified amplitude.
Apply Offsets to Limit Table
Adds the X and Y offsets to each point in the limit table, then resets the X and Y offset values to zero. This has no
effect on the position of the limit trace.
For example, if the X offset is –10 MHz and the Y offset is 1 dB, the values in the limit table are updated as
follows: 10 MHz is subtracted from each X value, 1 dB is added to each Y value. The offset values are then reset to
zero. The limit trace is not moved and the limit table is updated to accurately reflect the currently-displayed limit
Scale X AxisMatches the X-axis to the selected Limit, as well as possible. For frequency limits and a frequency-domain X-axis, sets the Start and Stop Frequency to contain the minimum and maximum Frequency of the selected Limit. The range between Start Frequency and Stop Default Unit Determined by X axis scale.
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits, Edit, Offset
Remote Command :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:OFFSet:Y <rel ampl>
Example :CALC:LLIN:OFFS:Y –3 dB sets the Y axis offset to –3 dB.
:CALC:LLIN:OFFSet:UPD will apply the Y axis offset to all points in the
limit line, then reset the Y axis offset to zero.
Preset 0 dB
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Min -Infinity
Max +Infinity
Default Unit dB
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits, Edit, Offset
Remote Command :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:OFFSet:UPDate
Example :CALC:LLIN:OFFS:UPD sets updates the limit table to reflect the X and Y
offsets, then resets the offsets to zero.
State Saved No state
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00