Frequency Unit,MHz
Antenna Unit,dBuV/m
Frequency Interpolation,Linear
• 200.000000,0.00
• 210.000000,17.00
• 225.000000,14.80
The choices for the 1 of N fields in the metadata are as follows:
Frequency Unit: Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz
Antenna Unit: dBuv/m, dBuA/m, dBG, dBpT, None
Frequency Interpolation: Logarithmic, Linear
Multiport Adapter Amplitude Correction 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,~,15,16
These keys let you pick which Correction to save. Once selected, the key returns back to the Export Data
menu and the selected Correction number is annotated on the key.
The next step in the Save process is to select the Save As key in the Export Data menu.
Key Path: Save, Data, Amplitude Correction, Multiport Adptr Correction
Preset: Not part of a Preset, but is reset to Correction 1 by Restore Input/Output
Defaults. Survives a shutdown.
Readback: 1
Initial S/W Revision: A.10.00