Meas Setup
Amplitude Interpolation
Sets the interpolation to linear or logarithmic for the specified limiting points set, allowing you to determine how
limit trace values are computed between points in a limit table. See Frequency Interpolation for the equations used
to calculate limit values between points.
Fixed / RelativeOpens a menu which will allow you to specify that the selected limit is relative to either Center Frequency or Reference level.
Relative to CF
Chooses whether the limit line frequency points are coupled to the test set center frequency, and whether the
frequency points are expressed as an offset from the test set center frequency. If the limit lines are specified with
time, this has no effect. The limit table must in this case support negative frequencies.
For example, assume you have a frequency limit line, and the test set center frequency is at 1 GHz. If Relative to
CF is “Off”, entering a limit line segment with a frequency coordinate of 300 MHz displays the limit line segment
at 300 MHz, and the limit line segment will not change frequency if the center frequency changes. If Relative to CF
Remote Command :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:CONTrol:INTerpolate:TYPE
Example :CALC:LLIN:CONT:INT:TYPE LIN sets limit line 1 frequency interpolation
to linear.
Preset Linear, not affected by Mode Preset, preset by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits, Properties, Interpolation
Remote Command :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:AMPLitude:INTerpolate:TYP
E LOGarithmic|LINear
Example :CALC:LLIN:AMPL:INT:TYPE LIN sets limit line 1 amplitude interpolation
to linear.
Preset Logarithmic, not affected by Mode Preset, preset by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits, Properties
Readback Fixed|Rel to CF|Rel to RL|Rel to CF + RL (square brackets)
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00