Average (Log/RMS/V)
For each bucket (interval) in the trace, Average detection displays the average of the amplitude within
the bucket using one of the following averaging methods:
Log power (also known as video)
Power (also known as RMS)
Voltage envelope
To explicitly set the averaging method, use the Meas Setup, Average Type key. When you are using
average detection with the Power method is equivalent to what is sometimes referred to as “RMS
detection”. The detailed information about the different types of averaging is found in Average Type in
the Meas Setup key menu.
For each bucket (interval) in the trace, Peak detection displays the highest amplitude within the bucket.
Peak detection is used for CW measurements and some pulsed-RF measurements. For FFT analysis, the
Key Path Trace/Det, Detector
Example DET:TRAC3 AVER sets the detector to average for trace 3.
Notes For the specific case of a customer wanting RMS detection, they need to set
the averaging type to RMS, and also select average detection for the trace:
Dependencies Selecting any detector (even the currently selected detector) for a given trace
turns Update and Display on for that trace.
Couplings Selecting a specific detector type turns “Auto” to false for this trace (manual).
Selecting a detector for a trace (pressing the key or sending a
[:SENS]:DET:TRAC command) puts Update On and Display On for that
trace, even if that detector was already selected. Note that the legacy
command [:SENS]:DET[:FUNC] does NOT exhibit this behavior.
Selecting a detector, whether by pressing the key or sending the equivalent
SCPI command, will turn trace math to Off for the selected/specified trace.
The VBW filter is not used for this detector, so varying the VBW will have no
effect for any traces for which this detector is selected (other than to slow
down the sweep, because of the coupling to Sweep Time of VBW). If the only
traces which are active are traces for which VBW does not apply (traces with
Average, EMI Average, RMS Average or Quasi Peak detectors), then the
VBW annotation shows “---” on the front panel, although still returns the
current value of VBW to a SCPI query.
Use of the Average detector affects the VBW setting because of its effect on
the VBW/RBW coupling. See the BW section under the key ““Video BW” on
page 891”.
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00