Code Domain
Demod Bits View Symb Power Window Y Ref Value
Sets the absolute power reference value for the symbol power window of the Demod Bits view.
Accesses a menu of functions that enable you to change the attenuation settings. This key has read-back
text that describes the total attenuator value.
See “Attenuation” on page 850 for more information.
Y Scale/Div
Sets the units per division of vertical scale in the logarithmic display. However, since the Auto Scaling is
defaulted to On, this value is automatically determined by the measurement result. When you set a value
manually, Auto Scaling automatically changes to Off.
Power Graph & Metrics View CDP Window Y Scale/Div
Sets the vertical display sensitivity measurement result in the Power Graph & Metrics window of the
Mode cdma2000
Remote Command :DISPlay:CDPower:VIEW5:WINDow2:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:RLE
Vel <real>
Restriction and Notes If the Auto Scaling is set to On, this value is automatically determined
by the measurement result. When you set this value manually, Auto
Scaling automatically changes to Off.
Target window to control depends on the SubOpCode.
Dependencies/Couplings See Restriction and Notes
Remote Command Notes Target window to control depends on the SubOpCode.
Preset 0.00
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Min –250.0
Max 250.0
Key Path AMPTD Y Scale
Key Path AMPTD Y Scale
Key Path AMPTD Y Scale