System Functions
Characterize Multiport Adapter Preamp
A Multiport Adatper Preamp Characterization should be made when MPA and EXT are first paired, a
message window is popped up as below to inform the user to take this action:
Correspondingly, bit 8 of the STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration:EXTended:NEEDed register (error
80) will be set for the “MPA Align required” message. Successful completion of Characterize Multiport
Adapter Preamp will clear this Condition.
Users are expected to execute a characterization of the Preamp of Multiport Adapter when it is plugged
into the USB port for the first time. The instrument stops any measurement currently underway,
performs the characterization, then restarts the measurement from the beginning (similar to pressing the
Restart key).
The query form of the remote command :CALibration:MPADapter:GAIN? will invoke the
characterization of the Preamp of Multiport Adapter and return a success or failure value.
A failure encountered during characterization will generate the Error Condition message “MPA Align
failed” and set bit 8 (error 83) in the STATus:QUEStionable:CALibration:EXTended:FAILure status
register. Successful completion of Characterize Multiport Adapter Preamp will clear this Condition.
NOTE Characterize Multiport Adapter Preamp can be interrupted by pressing the
Cancel (ESC) front-panel key or remotely with Device Clear followed by the
:ABORt SCPI command.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: System, Alignments, Advanced
Mode: All