System Functions
Auto Align, Partial disables the full automatic alignment and the maintenance of warranted operation for
the benefit of improved measurement throughput. Accuracy is retained for the Resolution Bandwidth
filters and the IF Passband which is critical to FFT accuracy, demodulation, and many measurement
applications. With Auto Align set to Partial, you are now responsible for maintaining warranted
operation by updating the alignments when they expire. The Auto Align, Alert mechanism will notify
you when alignments have expired. One solution to expired alignments is to perform the Align All, Now
operation. Another is to return the Auto Align selection to Normal.
Auto Align, Partial is recommended for measurements where the throughput is so important that a few
percent of improvement is more valued than an increase in the accuracy errors of a few tenths of a
decibel. One good application of Auto Align, Partial would be an automated environment where the
alignments can be called during overhead time when the device-under-test is exchanged.
When Auto Align, Partial is selected the elapsed time counter begins for Auto Align Off time.
When Auto Align, Partial is selected the Settings Panel indicates ALIGN PARTIAL with a warning
icon. The warning icon is to inform the operator that they are responsible for maintaining the warranted
operation of the instrument
Mode: All
Example: :CAL:AUTO ON
Notes: Alignment processing as a result of the transition to Normal will be executed
sequentially. Thus, *OPC? or *WAI following CAL:AUTO ON will return
when the alignment processing is complete.
The presence of an external signal may interfere with the RF portion of the
alignment. If so, the Error Condition message “Align skipped: 50 MHz
interference” or “Align skipped: 4.8 GHz interference” is reported, and bit 11
is set in the Status Questionable Calibration register. After the interfering
signal is removed, subsequent alignment of the RF will clear the condition,
and clear bit 11 in the Status Questionable Calibration register.
Readback Text: Normal
Status Bits/OPC dependencies: An interfering user signal may prevent automatic alignment of the RF
subsystem. If this occurs, the Error Condition message “Align skipped: 50
MHz interference” or “Align skipped: 4.8 GHz interference” is reported, the
Status Questionable Calibration bit 11 is set, and the alignment proceeds.
When a subsequent alignment of the RF subsystem succeeds, either by the
next cycle of automatic alignment or from an Align Now, RF, the Error
Condition and Status Questionable Calibration bit 11 are cleared.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: System, Alignments, Auto Align
Mode: All
Notes: Auto Align Partial begins the elapsed time counter for Auto Align Off time.