Source (Internal)
Step Configuration of Duration Time or Play Count parameter list (Remote Command Only)
This SCPI command is to configure “Duration Time” or “Play Count” parameter array of the whole List Sequencer
at one time. The number of array is same as step number defined in “Number of Steps” on page 1221 Number of
Steps. As a step is setup, the value entered run through several levels of validation.
Notes: The command is to setup below parameter array of whole list sequence.
Step Duration <enum> - specifies the duration of the step. The duration can
be specified to be either time, or play count of the ARB file associated with
the step, or continuous. If Waveform is set to “CW”, this value cannot be set to
Play Count and an error will be generated. If continuous is selected, the
following Time or Count value is ignored. For further details of this setting,
see “Step Duration” on page 1245.
If input parameter number exceeds the step number defined by Number of
Steps then generate error ", and only those parametes whose index number
falls in number of steps will be updated.
Remote Command Notes: TIME | COUNt | CONTinuous
Dependencies: The range is 1 to 1000 which is determined by the number of steps you have
configured. For details see “Number of Steps” on page 1221.
Initial S/W Revision: A.09.40
Remote Command: :SOURce:LIST:SETup:TOCount <time/int>, <time/int>,
<time/int>, …
Example: SOUR:LIST:SET:TOC 1s,2s,3s
Notes: The command is to setup below parameter array of whole list sequence.
Time or Count <time/int> - specifies time duration in seconds or play count of
the ARB file associated with the step. For further details of this setting,
including the valid ranges for the time or play count setting, “Time” on
page 1246 and “Play Count” on page 1246.
If input parameter number exceeds the step number defined by Number of
Steps then generate error ", and only those parametes whose index number
falls in number of steps will be updated.
If current “Step Duration” on page 1245 is “Continuous”, then generate error
–221,"Settings conflict;Cannot accept time or count input when step duration
type is Continuous on step #"
Dependencies: The range is 1 to 1000 which is determined by the number of steps you have
configured. For details see “Number of Steps” on page 1221.
Initial S/W Revision: A.09.40