NOTE The Y Axis Unit used for each type of display is set by pressing Y Axis Unit. The
analyzer remembers separate Y Axis Unit settings for both Log and Lin.
Presel CenterWhen this key is pressed, the centering of the preselector filter is adjusted to optimize the amplitude
accuracy at the frequency of the selected marker. If the selected marker is not on when Presel Center is
pressed, the analyzer will turn on the selected marker, perform a peak search, and then perform centering
on the marker’s center frequency. If the selected marker is already on and between the start and stop
frequencies of the analyzer, the analyzer performs the preselector calibration on that marker’s frequency.
If the selected marker is already on, but outside the frequency range between Start Freq and Stop Freq,
the analyzer will first perform a peak search, and then perform centering on the marker’s center
The value displayed on the Presel Adjust key will change to reflect the new preselector tuning (see
Presel Adjust.
A number of considerations should be observed to ensure proper operation. See “Proper Preselector
Operation” on page 869.
Key Path: AMPTD Y Scale
Remote Command: :DISPlay:WINDow[1]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:SPACing
Dependencies: If Normalize is on, Scale Type forced to Log and is grayed out.
Couplings: Changing the Scale Type always sets the Y Axis unit to the last unit specified
for the current amplitude scale. In other words, we restore the Y Axis unit
setting appropriate per log/lin.
Preset: LOG
State Saved: Saved in instrument state
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: AMPTD Y Scale
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:PCENter
Example: POW:PCEN
Notes: Note that the rules outlined above under the key description apply for the
remote command as well as the key. The result of the command is dependent
on marker position, and so forth. Any message shown by the key press is also
shown in response to the remote command.