The Trace/Detector menu lets you control the acquisition, display, storage, detection and manipulation
of trace data for the six available traces. The first page of this menu contains a selection of the trace type
(Clear Write, Trace Average, Max Hold, Min Hold) for the selected trace. Those choices are described
A trace is a series of data points, each having an x and a y value. The x value is usually frequency (or
time) and the y value is amplitude. Each data point is referred to as a trace point. In any given trace, trace
point 0 is the first point, and trace point (sweep_points – 1) is the last. For example, in a 1001 point trace,
the first point is 0 and the last is 1000. Another term sometimes used to describe traces is bucket. A
bucket is the frequency span before and after the trace point equal to the point spacing. The y value is
measured across (during) this bucket.
For more information see:
“Trace Update Indicator” on page 1302
“Trace Annotation” on page 1303
Key Path Trace/Detector
Remote Command :TRACe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:TYPE WRITe|AVERage|MAXHold|MINHold
Notes WRITe = Clear Write
AVERage = Trace Average
MAXHold = Maximum Hold
MINHold = Minimum Hold
Couplings Sending a trace command does not cause the specified trace to become
Selecting a trace type (pressing any of the four keys or sending a TRAC:TYPE
command) puts Update in On and Display in On, even if that trace type was
already selected.
Preset Write.
During normal operation of the instrument (that is, other than at power up),
after a mode preset is performed, all active traces are cleared. This is so their
domains and initial x values will match the current X-axis of the test set.
Inactive traces are not cleared after a preset, so a trace which is in Update =
On before a preset, and in Update = Off after the preset, will still have the data
that it had before the preset.
State Saved The type of each trace is saved in Instrument State
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00