Source (Internal)
enable and disable markers on a per-segment basis, allowing you to output markers from some waveform segments
within the sequence but not for others.
Marker 3
Allows you to enable or disable marker 3 for the currently selected waveform. For a waveform sequence, you can
enable and disable markers on a per-segment basis, allowing you to output markers from some waveform segments
within the sequence but not for others.
Marker 4
Allows you to enable or disable marker 4 for the currently selected waveform. For a waveform sequence, you can
enable and disable markers on a per-segment basis, allowing you to output markers from some waveform segments
within the sequence but not for others.
Delete Segment
Allows you to delete the current segment from the waveform sequence.
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Edit Selected
Sequence, Edit Selected Waveform
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.
Preset: Enabled
Range: Enabled|Disabled
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Edit Selected
Sequence, Edit Selected Waveform
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.
Preset: Enabled
Range: Enabled|Disabled
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Edit Selected
Sequence, Edit Selected Waveform
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.
Preset: Enabled
Range: Enabled|Disabled
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Edit Selected
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.