Meas Setup
More Information
When you select log-power averaging, the measurement results are the average of the signal level in
logarithmic units (decibels). When you select power average (RMS), all measured results are converted
into power units before averaging and filtering operations, and converted back to decibels for displaying.
Remember: there can be significant differences between the average of the log of power and the log of
the average power.
These are the averaging processes within the test set and all of them are affected by this setting:
Trace averaging (see Section “Trace Average” on page 1304) averages signal amplitudes on a
trace-to-trace basis. The average type applies to all traces in Trace Average (it is not set on a
trace-by-trace basis).
Average detector (see Section “Detector” on page 1310) averages signal amplitudes during the time or
frequency interval represented by a particular measurement point.
VBW filtering (see Section “BW” on page 889) adds video filtering which is a form of averaging of the
video signal.
When Auto is selected, the test set chooses the type of averaging (see below). When one of the average
types is selected manually, the test set uses that type regardless of other test set settings, and shows Man
on the Average Type key.
Chooses the optimum type of averaging for the current test set measurement settings.
Notes: Parameters map to avg types as:
RMS = Pwr (RMS) Avg
LOG = Log-Pwr (Video) Avg
SCALar = Voltage Avg
Preset: LOG
Backwards Compatibility SCPI: [:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE LINear sets Scalar averaging
[:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE VOLTage sets Scalar averaging
[:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE VIDeo sets Log-Power averaging
[:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE LPOWer sets Log-Power averaging
[:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE POWer sets RMS averaging
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path Meas setup, Average Type
Notes See Average Type, above