System Functions
User Preset
Brings up the saved menu for the power-on mode.
Clears the input and output buffers.
Sets the Status Byte to 0.
User Preset All ModesRecalls all of the User Preset files for each mode, switches to the power-on mode, and activates the saved
measurement from the power-on mode User Preset file.
NOTE When the instrument is secured, all of the user preset files are converted back to
their default user preset files.
The User Preset function does the following:
Aborts the currently running measurement.
Switches the Mode to the power-on mode.
Restores the User Preset files for each mode.
Makes the saved measurement for the power-on mode the active measurement.
Brings up the saved menu for the power-on mode.
Clears the input and output buffers.
Sets the Status Byte to 0.
Key Path: User Preset
Remote Command: :SYSTem:PRESet:USER
Notes: :SYST:PRES:USER:SAVE is used to save the current state as the user preset
Clears all pending OPC bits. The Status Byte is set to 0.
Pressing the User Preset front-panel key while already in the User Preset
menu will cause the User Preset to get executed
Couplings: A user preset will cause the currently running measurement to be aborted and
cause the saved measurement to be active. Recalling a User Preset file has the
same issues that recalling a Save State file has. Some settings may need to be
limited and therefore re-coupled, since the capabilities of the mode may have
changes when the User Preset file was last saved.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: User Preset