Source (Internal)
List Sequencer
Allows you access to the sub-menus for configuring the list sequencer.
List sequences allows you to enter frequencies and amplitudes at unequal intervals in nonlinear
ascending, descending or random order. Each step within the list can also include its own waveform file
for playback, step duration, trigger event and trigger output.
The complexities involved in configuring the list sequencer do not lend itself to manual configuration;
hence the manual configuration for this feature is limited. For easier configuration of the list sequencer,
it is recommended that you use either SCPI or load a tab delimited file containing the setup parameters in
a tabular form. The details of the SCPI for configuring the list sequencer can be found in “Step
Configuration (Remote Command Only)” on page 1248.
Once the List Sequencer has been configured using the front panel, SCPI, or loading in a tab delimited
file, the sequence must be initiated using the front panel Initiate Sequence key or the corresponding SCPI
Allows you to set the state of the list sequencer. When the list sequencer is on, the source is outputting
the sequence defined by the sequencer. When the list sequencer is off, the source outputs a single
waveform segment or sequence (independent mode) at a single frequency and amplitude.
Note Query Only SCPI
Remote command only
If detected invalid configuration, popup error message
"-221 Settings conflict; MPA TX port<n> amplitude correction value <n>dB
is out of range. The valid range is <n> ~ <n>dB"
"-221 Settings conflict; MPA TX port<n> amplitude correction delta exceeds
<n>dB between port<n> and port<n>"
to report the first detected conflict.
Range: "No error" | Error info of the first found conflic
Initial S/W Revision: A.12.00
Key Path: Source
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, List Sequencer
Remote Command: :SOURce:LIST[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0