System Functions
Mode Preset
Meas Preset
Resets the measurement local variables for the currently active measurement to their factory default
values. The measurement settings that get reset are the same ones that are reset during a Mode Preset.
This function keeps the instrument in the current measurement and the current mode and does not affect
the settings for other measurements, but does abort the currently running measurement.
Preset Type (Remote Command Only)As stated in the Backward Compatibility section, to be compatible with ESA/PSA the PRESet:TYPE
command will be implemented as a no-op.
*RST (Remote Command Only)*RST is equivalent to :SYST:PRES;:INIT:CONT OFF, which is a Mode Preset in the Single
measurement state. This remote command is preferred over Mode Preset remote command -
:SYST:PRES, as optimal remote programming occurs with the instrument in the single measurement
Key Path: Meas Setup
Remote Command: :CONFigure:<Measurement>
Example: :CONF:ACP immediately does a Meas Preset to the ACP measurement.
Notes: Clears the Measuring bit
:CONF:<Measurement> resets the specified measurement settings to default
in ESA, VSA and PSA; in GPSA it allows the addition of the NDEFault node
to the command to prevent a measurement preset from occurring after a
measurement switch.
:MEASure:<Measurement> also restores the default values of the selected
measurement, but it also initiates the specified measurement.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Mode: All
Remote Command: :SYSTem:PRESet:TYPE FACTory|MODE|USER
Notes: This command is supported for backward compatibility only. It is a no-op
which does not change the behavior of any preset operation.
Preset: This is unaffected by Preset but is set to Mode on a “Restore System
State Saved: No
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00