Backwards Compatibility SCPI: [:SENSe]:FEED AREFerence
In the PSA the calibrator was one of the inputs and selected using the AREF
parameter to the same :FEED command that switched the inputs. In the
X-Series it is controlled in a separate menu and overrides the input selection.
For code compatibility the [:SENSe]:FEED AREFerence command is
provided, and is aliased to [SENSe]:FEED:AREF REF50, which causes the
input to be switched to the 50 MHz calibrator. The [:SENSe]:FEED RF
command switches the input back to the RF port and turns the calibrator OFF,
thus providing full compatibility with the PSA calibrator function.
Note that after sending this, the query [:SENSe]:FEED? will NOT return
“AREF” but instead the currently selected input.
Backwards Compatibility SCPI: [:SENSe]:FEED IQ|IONLy|QONLy
The parameters IQ|IONLy|QONLy are supported for backwards compatibility
with the E44406A.
[:SENSe]:FEED IQ aliases to [:SENSe]:FEED:IQ:TYPE IQ
The query [:SENSe]:FEED? will always returns AIQ whatever the type of
legacy parameters IQ|IONLy|QONLy has been used.
Backwards Compatibility Notes: Most of the settings in the X-Series Input/Output system, including External
Gain, Amplitude Corrections settings and data, etc., are shared by all modes
and are not changed by a mode switch. Furthermore, most variables in the
Input/Output system key are not affected by Mode Preset. Both of these
behaviors represent a departure from legacy behavior.
In the X-Series. Input/Output settings are reset by using the "Restore
Input/Output Defaults" function. They can also be reset to their default values
through the System->Restore System Defaults-> In/Out Config key or
through the System ->Restore System Defaults -> All key (and corresponding
While this matches most use cases better, it does create some code
compatibility issues. For example, Amplitude Corrections are no longer
turned off by a Mode Preset, but instead by using the "Restore Input/Output
Defaults" key/SCPI.
Although Input/Output settings are not part of each Mode’s State, they are
saved in the Save State files, so that all of the instrument settings can be
recalled with Recall State, as in legacy instruments.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command: :INPut:MIXer EXTernal|INTernal