Antenna Unit
For devices (like antennae) which make measurements of field strength or flux density, the correction array should
contain within its values the appropriate conversion factors such that, when the data on the analyzer is presented in
dBμV, the display is calibrated in the appropriate units. The "Antenna Unit" used for the conversion is contained
within the corrections array database. It may be specified by the user or loaded in from an external file or SCPI.
When an array with an Antenna Unit other than "None" is turned on, the Y Axis Unit of the analyzer is forced to
that unit. When this array is turned on, and it contains an Antenna Unit other than “None”, the Y Axis Unit of the
analyzer is forced to that Antenna Unit., and all other Y Axis Unit choices are grayed out.
Antenna Unit does not appear in all Modes that support Corrections. Only the modes listed in the Mode row of the
table below support Antenna Units.
Sets the antenna unit to dBµV/m. If this correction is turned on, and Apply Corrections is on, the Y Axis Unit will
then be forced to dBµV/m and all other Y Axis Unit selections will be grayed out.
Readback: Correction 1|Correction 2|Correction 3|Correction 4|Correction 5|Correction
6|Correction 7| Correction 9|Correction 9|Correction 10|Correction
11|Correction 12|Correction 13|Correction 14|Correction 15|Correction 16
Initial S/W Revision: A.10.00
Key Path: Input/Output, RF Output & Test Set Config, Multiport Adapter,
Corrections, Properties
Mode: SA
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:MPADapter:CORRection:CSET[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1
Dependencies: Only the first correction array (Correction 1) supports antenna units.
Note that this means that a correction file with an Antenna Unit can only be
loaded into the Corrections 1 register. Consequently only for Correction 1
does the dropdown in the Recall dialog include.ant, and if an attempt is made
to load a correction file into any other Correction register which DOES
contain an antenna unit, a Mass Storage error is generated. Forceful message
Preset: Unaffected by Preset. Set to NOC by Restore Input/Output Defaults
State Saved: Saved in State
Initial S/W Revision: A.10.00
Key Path: Input/Output, RF Output & Test Set Config, Multiport Adapter,
Corrections, Properties, Antenna Unit