System Functions
Mass Storage Catalog (Remote Command Only)Mass Storage Change Directory (Remote Command Only)Mass Storage Copy (Remote Command Only)
Remote Command: :MMEMory:CATalog? [<directory_name>]
Notes: The string must be a valid logical path.
Queries disk usage information (drive capacity, free space available) and
obtains a list of files and directories in a specified directory in the following
It returns two numeric parameters and as many strings as there are files and
directories. The first parameter indicates the total amount of storage currently
used in bytes. The second parameter indicates the total amount of storage
available, also in bytes. The <file_entry> is a string. Each <file_entry>
indicates the name, type, and size of one file in the directory list:
As the windows file system has an extension that indicates file type,
<file_type> is always empty. <file_size> provides the size of the file in bytes.
For directories, <file_entry> is surrounded by square brackets and both
<file_type> and <file_size> are empty
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command: :MMEMory:CDIRectory [<directory_name>]
Notes: The string must be a valid logical path.
Changes the default directory for a mass memory file system. The
<directory_name> parameter is a string. If no parameter is specified, the
directory is set to the *RST value.
At *RST, this value is set to the default user data storage area, that is defined
as System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal.
Query returns full path of the default directory.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Remote Command: :MMEMory:COPY <string>,<string>[,<string>,<string>]