Source (Internal)
Mkr 3 Polarity
Allows you to set the polarity of marker 3.
Mkr 4 Polarity
Allows you to set the polarity of marker 4.
Range: Neg | Pos
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Marker Utilities, Marker Polarity
Remote Command: :SOURce:RADio:ARB:MPOLarity:MARKer3 POSitive|NEGative
Dependencies: When a new waveform is selected for playback the settings contained within
the associated waveform header file are applied to the ARB. The marker
polarity is one of the values stored within the header file. If the newly selected
waveform file has an associated header file, the marker polarity is updated
with the value from the header file. The marker polarity will remain
unchanged if the newly selected waveform does not have an associated header
Preset: Pos
Range: Neg | Pos
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Marker Utilities, Marker Polarity
Remote Command: :SOURce:RADio:ARB:MPOLarity:MARKer4 POSitive|NEGative
Dependencies: When a new waveform is selected for playback the settings contained within
the associated waveform header file are applied to the ARB. The marker
polarity is one of the values stored within the header file. If the newly selected
waveform file has an associated header file, the marker polarity is updated
with the value from the header file. The marker polarity will remain
unchanged if the newly selected waveform does not have an associated header
Preset: Pos
Range: Neg | Pos
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00