Cont (Continuous Measurement/Sweep)
Cont (Continuous Measurement/Sweep)Sets the test set for Continuous measurement operation. The single/continuous state is Meas Global so
the setting will affect all measurements. If you are Paused, pressing Cont does a Resume.
With Avg/Hold Num (in the Meas Setup menu) set to Off or set to On with a value of 1, a sweep is taken
after the trigger condition is met; and the test set continues to take new sweeps after the current sweep
has completed and the trigger condition is again met. However, with Avg/Hold Num set to On with a
value >1, multiple sweeps (data acquisitions) are taken for the measurement. The trigger condition must
be met prior to each sweep. The sweep is not stopped when the average count k equals the number N set
for Avg/Hold Num is reached, but the number k stops incrementing. A measurement average usually
applies to all traces, marker results, and numeric results. But sometimes it only applies to the numeric
If the test set is in Single measurement, pressing the Cont key does not change k and does not cause the
sweep to be reset; the only action is to put the test set into Continuous measurement operation.
If it is already in continuous sweep:
the INIT:CONT 1 command has no effect
the INIT:CONT 0 command will place the test set in Single Sweep but will have no effect on the current
sequence until k = N, at which point the current sequence will stop and the instrument will go to the idle
Key Path: Front-panel key
Remote Command: :INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|ON|0|1
Example: :INIT:CONT 0 puts the test set in Single measurement operation.
:INIT:CONT 1 puts the test set in Continuous measurement operation
Preset: ON
(Note that SYST:PRESet sets INIT:CONT to ON but *RST sets INIT:CONT
to OFF)
State Saved: Saved in instrument state
Backwards Compatibility Notes: For Spectrum Analysis mode in ESA and PSA, there is no Cont hardkey,
instead there is a Sweep Single/Cont key. In these analyzers, switching the
Sweep Single/Cont key from Single to Cont restarts averages (displayed
average count reset to 1), but does not restart Max Hold and Min Hold.
The X-Series has Single and Cont hardkeys in place of the Sweep Single
Cont softkey. In the X-Series, if in single measurement, the Cont hardkey
(and INIT:CONT ON ) switches to continuous measurement, but never
restarts a measurement and never resets a sweep.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00