Source (Internal)
FM Rate
Allows you to set the internal frequency modulation rate.
Allows access to the menu for configuring the phase modulation.
Enables or disables the phase modulation.
Turning PM on when another modulation format is already on results in the previous modulation format
being turned off and the generation of an error.
Example: SOUR:FM 1.00 kHz
Preset: 1.00 Hz
Min: 1.00 Hz
Max: 100.00 kHz
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, FM
Remote Command: :SOURce:FM:INTernal:FREQuency
Example: SOUR:FM:INT:FREQ 40.0 Hz
Preset: 400.0 Hz
Min: 10 Hz
Max: 40 kHz
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, PM
Remote Command: :SOURce:PM:STATe
Preset: Off
Range: On | Off
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00