Channel Power Measurement
Meas Setup
Accesses the Limits menu that allows you to set up the test limit for channel power or power spectral density.Power LimitIf Power Limit is on, Power Limit is used as threshold wich can judge whether the real measured channel power can be passed or not. If real measured channel power exceeds Power Limit, channel power test
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:CHPower:FILTer[:RRC]:BANDwidth <real>
Example: CHP:FILT:BAND 10MHz
Notes: This parameter is normally used when TETRA is selected as the Radio Std.
You must be in the W-CDMA mode, cdma2000 mode, LTD mode, LTE TDD
mode, WLAN mode, 1xEVDO mode, or WIMAX OFDMA mode to use this
command. Use :INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Dependencies: For CDMA2K mode, this key is blank.
For 1xEVDO mode, this key is blank.
Preset: LTE, LTETDD: 3.84MHz
WCDMA: 3.84MHz
if Radio Std is 802.11a/g(OFDM/DSSS-OFDM): 16.6 MHz
if Radio Std is 802.11b: 22 MHz
if Radio Std is 802.11n(20MHz): 17.8 MHz
if Radio Std is 802.11n(40MHz: 36.6 MHz
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.
Min: 100 Hz
Max: 100 MHz
Backwards Compatibility SCPI: [:SENSe]:CHPower:FILTer[:RRC]:BWIDth
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Modified at S/W Revision: A.02.00, A.03.00, A.10.00
Key Path: Meas Setup
Initial S/W Revision: A.10.00