Source (Internal)
Marker 2
Allows you to enable or disable marker 2 for the currently selected waveform. For a waveform sequence, you can
enable and disable markers on a per-segment basis, allowing you to output markers from some waveform segments
within the sequence, but not for others.
Marker 3
Allows you to enable or disable marker 3 for the currently selected waveform. For a waveform sequence, you can
enable and disable markers on a per-segment basis, allowing you to output markers from some waveform segments
within the sequence, but not for others.
Marker 4
Allows you to enable or disable marker 4 for the currently selected waveform. For a waveform sequence, you can
enable and disable markers on a per-segment basis, allowing you to output markers from some waveform segments
within the sequence, but not for others.
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Build New
Sequence, Edit Selected Waveform
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.
Preset: Enabled
Range: Enabled|Disabled
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Build New
Sequence, Edit Selected Waveform
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.
Preset: Enabled
Range: Enabled|Disabled
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Waveform Sequences, Build New
Sequence, Edit Selected Waveform
Notes: No remote command, front panel only.
Preset: Enabled
Range: Enabled|Disabled
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00