Multiport Adapter Amplitude Correction 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,~,15,16
These keys let you select which Correction to import the data into. Once selected, the key returns back to the
Import Data menu and the selected Correction number is annotated on the key. The next step is to select the Open
key in the Import Data menu.
Antenna corrections are a particular kind of Multiport Adapter Amplitude Corrections – they are distinguished in
the corrections file by having the Antenna Unit set to a value other than None. Only Correction 1 supports
Antenna Units.
Dependencies: Only the first correction array (Correction 1) supports antenna units. This
means that a correction file with an Antenna Unit can only be loaded into the
Corrections 1 register. Consequently only for Correction 1 does the dropdown
in the Recall dialog include.ant, and if an attempt is made to load a correction
file into any other Correction register which DOES contain an antenna unit, a
Mass Storage error is generated.
Corrections are not supported by all Measurements. If in a Mode in which
some Measurements support it, this key will be grayed out in measurements
that do not. The key will not show at all if no measurements in the Mode
support it.
Errors are reported if the file is empty or missing, or if the file type does not
match, or if there is a mismatch between the file type and the destination data
type. If any of these occur during manual operation, the analyzer returns to
the Import Data menu and the File Open dialog goes away.
This key does not appear unless you have the proper option installed in your
This command will generate an “Option not available” error unless you have
the proper option installed in your instrument.
If the file is empty, message –250.3005 is reported. If the file does not exist
message –256 is reported. If there is a mismatch between the file and the
destination data type, an message is reported. –250.3003. See error list in the
X-series Messaging document for the exact error text.
Couplings: When a correction file is loaded from mass storage, it is automatically turned
on (Correction ON) and Apply Corrections is set to On. This allows the
user to see its effect, thus confirming the load.
Readback: selected Correction
Backwards Compatibility SCPI: For backwards compatibility, the following parameters syntax is supported:
ANTenna|CABLe|OTHer|USER, <filename>
ANTenna maps to 1, CABle maps to 2, OTHer maps to 3 and USER maps to 4
Initial S/W Revision: A.10.00
Key Path: Recall, Data, Amplitude Correction, Multiport Adptr Correction
Notes: auto return