System Functions
–113,"Undefined header"
Now after turning on Verbose SCPI:
–113,"Undefined header;SYST:BOGUS<Err>"
Input Overload Enable (Remote Command Only)
Input Overload errors are reported using the Input Overload status bit (bit 12 in the Measurement
Integrity status register). Input Overloads (for example, ADC Overload errors) can come and go with
great frequency, generating many error events (for example, for signals just on the verge of overload),
and so are not put into the SCPI error queue by default. Normally the status bit is the only way for
detecting these errors remotely.
It is possible to enable Input Overload reporting to the SCPI queue, by issuing the
:SYSTem:ERRor:OVERload ON command. To return to the default state, issue the
:SYSTem:ERRor:OVERload OFF command. In either case, Input Overloads always set the status bit.
NOTE For versions of firmware before A.10.01, the Input Overload was only a Warning
and so was never available in the SCPI queue, although it did set the status bit. For
A.10.01 and later, the Input Overload is an error and can be enabled to the SCPI
queue using this command.
Key Path: System, Show, Errors
Mode: All
Remote Command: :SYSTem:ERRor:VERBose OFF|ON|0|1
Preset: This is unaffected by Preset but is set to OFF on a “Restore System
State Saved: No
Range: On | Off
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: SCPI only
Remote Command: :SYSTem:ERRor:OVERload[:STATe] 0|1|OFF|ON
Example: :SYST:ERR:OVER 1 Enable overload errors
Preset: Set to OFF by Restore Misc Defaults (no Overload errors go to SCPI)
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.