Meas Setup
Accesses a menu which lets you set the properties of the selected limit.
Select Limit
Specifies the selected limit. The term “selected limit” is used throughout this document to specify which
limit is affected by the functions.
Test Trac e
Selects the trace you want the limit to test. A limit is applied to one and only one trace; each trace can
have both an upper and a lower limit. When executing Limit Test, the limit is applied only to the
specified trace.
A trace can have multiple limit lines simultaneously; in that case, only one upper and one lower limit line
will affect the color of the trace. Other limit lines are displayed, and affect the pass/fail status, but the
Remote Command :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2|3|4|5|6:DISPlay OFF|ON|0|1
Example :CALC:LLIN2:DISP ON turns on the display for limit line 2.
Dependencies This command will generate an “Option not available” error unless you have
the proper option installed in your test set.
Couplings Limit display ON selects the limit.
Testing is done on all displayed limits if Test Limits (All Limits) is ON.
Entering the limit menu from the GUI turns on the selected limit.
Preset OFF
State Saved Saved in State.
Backwards Compatibility SCPI :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
(In the past you had to send the DISP command as well as the STATe
command in order to get a limit on and testing. Now, the DISP command is
sufficient, but we accept the state command and do nothing with it)
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00
Key Path Meas Setup, Limits, Properties
Notes The selected limit is remembered even when not in the Limit Menu.
Preset Limit 1, not affected by Mode Preset, preset by Restore Mode Defaults.
State Saved Saved in State.
Initial S/W Revision A.02.00