MS Sets an external gain/attenuation value for MS (Mobile Station) tests.
Example: CORR:SA:GAIN 10 sets the Ext Gain value to 10 dB
CORR:SA:GAIN –10 sets the Ext Gain value to –10 dB (that is, an
attenuation of 10 dB)
Notes: Does not auto return.
Dependencies: The reference level limits are determined in part by the External Gain/Atten,
Max Mixer Level, and RF Atten.
This key is grayed out in Modes that do not support External Gain
Preset: This is unaffected by Preset but is set to 0 dB on a "Restore Input/Output
Defaults" or "Restore System Defaults->All"
State Saved: Saved in instrument state
Min: –120 dB
Max: 120 dB
Readback: Preamp Gain, <Ext Gain value> dB
Backwards Compatibility SCPI: [:SENSe]:CORRection:OFFSet[:MAGNitude]
The legacy "Ext Preamp Gain" key is now called "Ext Gain" and the
sub-menu has choices of Ext Preamp | MS | BTS for backwards compatibility.
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Key Path: Input/Output, External Gain
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:CORRection:MS[:RF]:GAIN <rel_ampl>
Example: CORR:MS:GAIN 10 sets the Ext Gain value to 10 dB
CORR:MS:GAIN –10 sets the Ext Gain value to –10 dB (that is, a loss of 10
Notes: Does not auto return.
Dependencies: The reference level limits are determined in part by the External Gain, Max
Mixer Level, RF Atten
This key is grayed out in modes that do not support MS.
Preset: This is unaffected by a Preset but is set to 0 dB on a "Restore Input/Output
Defaults" or "Restore System Defaults->All"
State Saved: Saved in instrument state.