ACP Measurement
Total Carrier Power
This is the total power of all the carriers with carrier power present set to yes. The power is calculated by
integrating across the bandwidth declared by the Carrier Integ Bw parameter for each carrier and then
totaling the sums. The total integration bandwidth is shown as part of the result. This will be the total of
the Carrier Integ Bw of the carriers used in calculating the total carrier power. If the RRC Filter is on,
then the integration bandwidth used is (1 + alpha)/T where T = 1/(Carrier Integ Bw) multiplied by the
number of carriers with carrier power present set to yes.
Ref Carrier Power
This is the power in the reference carrier. The power is calculated by integrating across the bandwidth
declared by the Carrier Integ Bw parameter for that carrier. The integration bandwidth is shown as part
of the result. This is the value of the Carrier Integ Bw for that carrier unless the RRC Filter is on, then the
integration bandwidth used is the displayed value, which is (1 + alpha)/T where T = 1/(Carrier Integ
Carrier Power
This is the power in all the currently defined carriers. If the carrier has carrier power present, the power
will be absolute. If the carrier is defined as not having power present, the power will be relative to the
reference carrier. The power is calculated by integrating across the bandwidth declared by the Carrier
Integ Bw parameter. The integration bandwidth is shown as part of the result. This is the value of the
Carrier Integ Bw for the carrier unless the RRC Filter is on, then the integration bandwidth used is the
displayed value, which is (1 + alpha)/T where T = 1/(Carrier Integ Bw).
As there are potentially more results than can be easily viewed on the display, a scrollable list is used to
display all results. The Carrier Results menu key is used to index the carrier amplitude results. This key
isle grayed out unless the measurement is in single mode (as in continual measurement mode). The
display is continuously updating and will not need to be accessed. The currently selected Carrier Result
is displayed on the last line of the carrier power result list unless:
The selected Carrier Result is 4 or less in normal multi carrier power results view. In this case the first
4 carrier power results will be displayed.
The selected Carrier Result is 9 or greater in normal multi carrier power results view. In this case the
last 4 carrier power results will be displayed.
The zoom mode is selected. In this case all carrier power ranges can be displayed.
Offset Relative Power
This is the power in the offsets relative to the reference carrier. The power is calculated by integrating
across the bandwidth declared by the Offset Integ Bw parameter. The offset integration bandwidth is
shown as part of the result. This is the value on the Offset Integ Bw menu key unless the RRC Filter is
on, then the integration bandwidth used is the displayed value, which is (1 + alpha)/T where T =
1/(Offset Integ Bw).
Offset Absolute Power
This is the absolute power in the offsets. The power is calculated by integrating across the bandwidth
declared by the Offset Integ Bw parameter. The offset integration bandwidth is shown as part of the
result. This is the value on the Offset Integ Bw menu key unless the RRC Filter is on, then the integration