Source (Internal)
Marker Routing
Allows access to the marker routing sub-menus, which allow you to specify where the marker events are routed. It
should be noted that the markers can also be routed to Trigger 1 Out and Trigger 2 Out, however this must be set up
using the menus accessed by pressing the “Trigger” hard key.
Pulse/RF Blank
Allows you to select which marker is used for the pulse/RF blanking function. The pulse/RF blanking function
blanks the RF when the marker signal goes low. The marker polarity determines when the marker signal is high.
For a positive polarity, this is during the marker points. For a negative polarity, this is when there are no marker
Marker points should be set before using this function. Enabling this function without setting maker points may
create a continuous low or high signal, dependant on the marker polarity. This causes either no RF output, or a
continuous RF output.
Sets no marker to be used for the pulse/RF blanking function, essentially turning the RF blanking function off.
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Marker Utilities
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Marker Utilities, Marker Routing
Remote Command: :SOURce:RADio:ARB:MDEStination:PULSe NONE|M1|M2|M3|M4
Dependencies: When a new waveform is selected for playback the settings contained within
the associated waveform header file are applied to the ARB. The pulse/RF
blanking setting is one of the values stored within the header file. If the newly
selected waveform file has an associated header file, the pulse/RF blanking
setting is updated with the value from the header file. The pulse/RF blanking
setting will remain unchanged if the newly selected waveform does not have
an associated header file.
Range: None | M1 | M2 | M3 | M4
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Source, Modulation Setup, ARB, Marker Utilities, Marker Routing,
Pulse/RF Blank
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00