Common Measurement Functions
FREQ Channel
Stop Freq

Sets the frequency at the right side of the graticule. While adjusting the stop Frequency, the start

frequency is held constant, which means that both the center frequency and span will change.

Stop Freq also sets the frequency entry mode to Start or Stop. In Start or Stop mode, the start frequency

and stop frequency values are displayed below the graticule, and the default active function in the

Frequency menu is Start Freq.

Max: Depends on the instrument maximum frequency – 10 Hz. Note that, if the
Source Mode is set to Tracking, the effective instrument maximum frequency
may be limited by the source maximum frequency.
If the knob or step keys are being used, it depends on the value of the other
three interdependent parameters.
While in External Mixing, the maximum Start Freq you can set is determined
by the external mixing parameters. It will be close to the maximum LO
frequency (7 GHz if undoubled, 14 GHz if doubled) times the harmonic
number, for the highest harmonic range in the Harmonic Table for the current
mixer setup. It can be queried with the SCPI command :FREQ:STARt? MAX.
Default Unit: Hz
Status Bits/OPC dependencies: Non-overlapped
Initial S/W Revision: Prior to A.02.00
Modified at S/W Revision: A.03.00
Key Path: FREQ Channel
Remote Command: [:SENSe]:FREQuency:STOP <freq>
Example: FREQ:STOP 220 MHz
Notes: Preset and Max values are dependent on Hardware Options (5xx)