ACP Measurement
Meas Setup
Noise Correction
Sets the measurement noise floor correction function to On or Off. On enables measurement noise
correction when the measured power in the reference channel or any offset is close to the noise floor of
the test set. Off turns these corrections off.
In test sets with the noise floor extensions option (option NFE) enabled, there are two ways to
compensate for the test set noise floor: through the NFE and through this noise corrections key. The
techniques are results are similar but not identical. NFE uses a model of the test set noise floor, adapted
to the current conditions such as center frequency, RBW and ambient temperature. The parameters of
this model are measured in the factory or field calibration in a highly averaged measurement. So they are
consistent. However, because the model is imperfect, the corrections are imperfect. Using NFE is very
convenient; the user need not wait for the ACP noise corrections calibration to occur. The ACP NC
calibration, though, has advantages of being measured very recently, at the current ambient, and the
exact center frequency, with no requirement that the model be perfect. So it will often (but not always)
have slightly better dynamic range. If both ACP NC is turned on and NFE is turned on, the test set uses
only the ACP NC. When ACP NC is turned off but NFE is on, NFE is used and performance should still
be excellent.
Meas Preset
Restores all the measurement parameters to their default values.
Key Path Meas Setup
Remote Command [:SENSe]:ACPower:CORRection:NOISe[:AUTO] OFF|ON|0|1
Notes You must be in the mode that includes ACP measurements to use this
command. Use :INSTrument:SELect to set the mode.
Preset 0
State Saved Saved in instrument state.
Range On|Off
Initial S/W Revision Prior to A.02.00
Modified at S/W Revision A.02.00, A.03.00, A.04.00
Key Path Meas Setup
Remote Command :CONFigure:ACPower
Example CONF:ACP