System Functions
Source and Analyzer Sequence
Only Available in: Sequence Analyzer Mode
The list of parameters, that configure steps, that makes up sequences for the Analyzer and the Source.
The Source and Analyzer sequence is completely configurable and can have internal triggers between
the source and the analyzer to orchestrate a sequence to completely test an external transmitter and
receiver’s performance.
Pressing File Open brings up the File Open standard Windows dialog and the File Open key menu.
When the user navigates to this selection, they have already determined they are recalling a specific Data
Type and now they want to specify which file to open.
When you first enter this dialog, the path is in the Look In: field in this File Open dialog depends on
which import data type you navigated here from.
The only files that are visible are those specific to the file type being recalled.
Data (Import)
Importing a data file loads data that was previously saved from the current measurement or from other
measurements and/or modes that produce compatible data files. The Import Menu only contains Data
Types that are supported by the current measurement.
Since the commonly exported data files are in .csv format, the data can be edited by the user prior to
importing. This allows you to export a data file, manipulate the data in Excel (the most common PC
Application for manipulating .csv files) and then import it.
Importing Data loads measurement data from the specified file into the specified or default destination,
depending on the data type selected. Selecting an Import Data menu key will not actually cause the
importing to occur, since the analyzer still needs to know from where to get the data. Pressing the Open
key in this menu brings up the Open dialog and Open menu that provides you with the options from
where to recall the data. Once a filename has been selected or entered in the Open menu, the recall
Key Path: Recall,Sequences
Example: :MMEM:LOAD:SEQ:SAAL "MySequence.txt"
Dependencies: Only available in XOBT, Sequence Analyzer mode
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00
Key Path: Recall, Sequence
Notes: The key location is mode-dependent and will vary.
Notes: Brings up Open dialog for recalling a <sequence> Save Type
Initial S/W Revision: A.05.00